Town of Oswego Board of Fire Commissioners Meeting Schedule
Regular Meetings of the Oswego Town Fire District
Please take notice that the Oswego Town Fire District will hold its regular monthly meetings for the year of 2025 on the third Tuesday in the following months on such day at the Oswego Town Fire Station, 640 County Route 20 Southwest Oswego at 7:00 P.M. The December meeting will be held on the second Tuesday.
Jan 21, Feb 18, Mar 18, Apr 15, May 20, Jun 17, Jul 15, Aug 19, Sep 16,
Oct 21 (Annual Budget hearing), Nov 18, Dec 9 (Elections)
All meetings of the Oswego Town Fire District are open to the public.
By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Oswego Town Fire District
Rick Glerum, Commissioner/Secretary
Oswego Town Fire District
Mailbox Signs now available
The Oswego Town Fire Department has started a new program to
help us find you better in the event of an emergency. One of our biggest issues
when responding to homes in the town is being able to locate house numbers. The
Fire Department is now selling reflective mailbox numbers that will solve this
problem. For $10 we will custom make an aluminum sign with your house numbers
on both sides and even come and mount it on your mailbox. Click
Here to view the online flyer. If you are interested all you need to do is
fill out the form and mail it in with a check, we will do the rest.
Look for us on Facebook !!!
here for a link to our page.
Fitness Center
The Oswego Town Volunteer Fire Department is proud to announce the completion our new Fitness Center. Our old gym received a full renovation along with a wide range of new gym equipment. This Fitness Center will help our members stay fit and active to better serve our community.
We received several donations and discounts from local business in order to help make this project possible. We would like to thank Munski Automotive, TJ Max, Olympia Sports and Walmart of Oswego andFulton for their gracious donations as well as Oswego Quality Carpets, Rabys Ace Hardware and Dicks Sports Goods for their support of our local first responders.
If you have an interest in being a member of our department, you will have full access to our Fitness Center along with fitness programs to help achieve your health and fitness goals.
Special THANKS also goes out to Anthony Bivens who chaired the committee responsible for this project along wit Matt Krocke and Chris Pritchard who put in many, many hours in planning, designing, installing and finishing this great project. Nice job guys!!!
Dunsmoor Farms Fire - January 2-3, 2016
Saturday evening at approximately 8pm the Oswego Town FD volunteers where dispatched to a reported explosion and fire at the Dunsmoor Farms facility on St Rt 104. First arriving units found a working fire in an 18 wheeler truck parked at the loading dock of the facility. An agressive attack was initiated but unfortunately the fire made its way into the main facility and there was no stopping it from there. 20 hours later all units were back in service. 20 different fire department from 3 counties manning 39 pieces of apparatus provided assistance throughout the event. The entire warehouse facility was a total loss, 2 nearby homes were able to be saved. THANK YOU goes to everyone involved with the firefighting operations. Drone photo below provided by Shawn Cathcart from Oswego.
Congratulations to Honorary Members
Dennis and June Ouellette, Onatrio
Special Thanks to Dennis
and June for all they do to
support the Oswego Town FD.
9/11/01 - Let us NEVER FORGET
our 343 brother FDNY firefighters that
ran into those towers and never returned.